
"Success in any endeavor requires single-minded attention to detail and total concentration."-Willie Sutton

The Hulk (Ang Lee, 2003) is mainly interesting to see for the editing style. That is the only interesting aspect to the film, and even that could have been better. The story line consist, of course, of a science experiment gone wrong. The story line could have been expressed a lot better. It just didn't doesn't hold attention. The beginning is too long and some parts seemed unnecessary or too much time was spent on the unnecessary and uninteresting. It takes a long time before the Hulk even appears and then he seems a little bit disappointing probably because the audience has had to wait so long. Maybe Lee was trying to build character in the Hulk but it just isn't intriguing. The idea of the editing is excellent. In a comic book style with different dissolves and split screens. Although even the editing could have been stronger. Nothing had depth or strength. It seemed too much was being fit into the film therefore nothing got the attention it could have to make the film work. Mike Szymanski's review sums up the Hulk perfectly.

"It's too long for kids, it's too slow for teens, it's too light for adults. It's too deep for those who don't like to think about their movies, it's too on-the-nose for those who do, and it's completely lacking in memorable action moments for those who are just coming for the special effects."

Comparing Sin City to The Hulk, may be difficult, but they are both adaptations from comics which influenced the artistic style of both films. Sin City works well, because the black and white visuals were taken to the extreme while The Hulk had a great idea giving the film a comic book feel but could have been taken further. Unlike other Ang Lee films and adaptation, The Hulk lacks energy and intelligence. The Hulk could have been done a lot better, with more strength and depth to the story and concentrating on the editing and artistic visuals.

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