
“Live as though Christ died yesterday, rose from the grave today, and is coming back tomorrow.”- Theodore Epps

The Passion Of The Christ (Mel Gibbson, 2004) is unlike any film before it. One of, if not, the most violent, gruesome and graphic movie of all time. The violent themes expressed in the film are very graphic as every detail is shown leaving hardly anything to the imagination. After a few seconds of the violence the audience has had enough, however another 10 or so minutes is shown making the movie more dramatic. The amount of violence shown, makes the audience feel for Christ. The violence is not horror like most films today. It shows the view of this major historical event showing detail in the brute violence. Mel Gibson has shown the audience what he thought happened and to give people a visual to this event from his opinion. The cinematography and language of The Passion Of The Christ make it seem very realistic, which ads to the shock reaction from the audience. The use of flashbacks are used to give context to the plot helping the audience understand. The long violent scenes do drag out the film making it seem long and tedious to some and even overwhelming and sickly, however Mel Gibson has successfully shown the violent treatment of Christ and portrayed a realistic and heartbreaking view of the crucifixion of Christ.

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