
"The true subject of the horror genre is the struggle for recognition of all that our civilization represses and oppresses"- Robin Wood

Frankenstein (James Whale, 1931) has to be one of, if not the, greatest and important horror films of all time. Being part of the"golden age" of Hollywood horror films, the story line follows the traditional horror film narrative consisting of a scientist playing with humans, life and death by making a monster who becomes uncontrollable and having to face him in a monster meets maker fight scene. As well as the girl who is terrorised and the angry mob of town people chasing the beast. The sound in Frankenstein really makes the movie. The lack of music adds to the tension in creating an eerie mood which also emphasises the sound effects. The film has expressionist qualities which help with the scary atmosphere. Boris Karloff portrays the creature well. We are scared and intimidated by him yet feel sympathy.

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