
"Hearts can never be practical until they can be made unbreakable"

A wonderful film, fabulous musical, and extraordinary tale for children and adults alike, The Wizard Of Oz (Victor Flemming,1939) still stands today as a great Hollywood classic. The music is a definite highlight, carrying well-known songs through time. The set design is fantastic, taking the audience from the dull, sepia, country Kansas into the Technicolor land of Oz with its bright flowers, hills, emerald city and the yellow brick road. The scenery and cinematography of The Wizard Of Oz is spectacular. The performances of the cast is magnificent from little timid Dorothy (Judy Garland) to the Scarecrow (Ray Bolger, Tin-man (Jack Haley), Lion (Bert Lahr), Wicked Witch (Margeret Hamilton) and wizard of oz (Frank Morgan) all deserving praise. 1939 was a year of great films in Hollywood, during the classical Hollywood era which saw many memorable and great films produced out of Hollywood, such as Wuthering Height (William Wyler) and Gone With The Wind (Victor Flemming, George Cuker), which took the Oscar for the year. Today The Wizard Of Oz still stands as a great tale for children and a great film for film lovers.

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