
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -Arthur C. Clarke

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (Walt Disney, 1937) saw a turning point in cinema and animation. Being the first successful full-feature animation proved animation could be much more than the short films before it. After bringing sound to animation with Steamboat Willie (Walt Disney, 1928) and colour, Snow White made Disney a well known and important animation studio in history. The soundtrack is memorable and fun. The story-line is a fantastic fairy-tale told cleverly with depth consisting of violence, love, happiness, good and evil. Each dwarf carries a distinct personality and character with emotional depth. The human like movements within the characters are very impressive and started an era changing cinema and animation. Snow White has been an influential film in the creation of animated features even today. A great film for people of all ages which will never age.

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