
"Why do people have to love people anyway?"-Fran

The Apartment (Billy Wilder, 1960) is a showcase of Wilder's best script and direction. Laughable yet realistic, commenting on ethics and American life carried by the excellent cast. Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine in there early days. Lemmon demonstrates his exceptional comedian skills as the clumsy, used insurance clerk, while MacLaine is adorable as the cute sort after elevator girl.
The Apartment seems ahead of it's time, defying Hollywood movie customs, in the way The Seven Year Itch was five years earlier, both a social critique with humorous sense. The Apartment makes you laugh as well as think and contemplate ethics, commenting on capitalism, work, sex and corporate conventions.
This Best Picture winner is a light hearted romantic comedy with deeper ethical issues, overall an enjoyable film.

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