
"You create your own reality."- Jane Roberts

The 1920's and 1940's brought a perfecting of classical Hollywood cinema which had been developing since Birth of A Nation. Mr Smith Goes To Washington (Frank Capra,1939) is one example of classical Hollywood cinema. Visual and Narrative techniques characterise the films of this time. These techniques are used to bring realism to the audience and make them get caught up in the story forgetting it is a film being directed. Mr Smith Goes To Washington is one movie that demonstrates this style. Narrative techniques such as use of the three act structure consisting of an existing situation that is disrupted and then resolved, nothing happening for no reason and having a lead character the audience can identify with, in this case James Stuart, and visual techniques such as 180 degree rule, realistic lighting and establishing shots, are used to convey reality. The role of a lead actor was important to help connect with the audience. Although D.W. Griffiths made the movie star system more known in cinema, with the introduction of the close-up, concentrating on certain actors, and crediting actors and actresses, classical Hollywood movies such as, Mr Smith Goes To Washingtonhad a real emphasis on known actors and actresses. Mr Smith Goes To Washington is a great movie to see as an example of classical Hollywood cinema as well as a Frank Capra film and also to see James Stuarts acting.

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